1300 508 121

Monday - Saturday: 08:00am - 06:00pm

About Us

Send us your inquiry via our text service

0432 981 839

Call one of our team members on

1300 508 121


What we do

Our local property valuation services across Australia range from minor additions to complete rebuilds; we have a valuer in your area who will be able to assess your property’s value accurately and professionally. We provide clients with detailed property valuations, matched with easy-to-understand information and advice. As a result, we help our clients make reliable decisions fast. Whatever your property type is and what the purpose of your valuation may be, here we always look to help our clients.


The Team

Local Valuers Australia have government registered property valuers and members of the Australian Property Institute (API). We always follow the API’s code of professional practice, code of ethics and rules of conduct. Our property valuers undertake continuing professional development studies through the (API) on a regular basis to make sure they’re aligned with the current times.

We have the local knowledge and expertise to answer each client’s valuation queries when they call in. Also, we maintain a comprehensive training program to keep up with new technologies and improvements in our services, in addition to our primary services.

We provide the following

Expert local knowledge

Free quotes for your requirements over the phone


Reports meet legal requirements to your needs

All valuers API certified

Let's get value, australia

At Local Valuers Australia, we’re dedicated to simplifying the world of property valuation for you. Whether it’s business, residential, commercial, or industrial properties, we’re here to provide accurate assessments tailored to your needs and goals.


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